TJK Life




 ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団ディスカバリー・センターでは、発展途上国の問題と財団で行っている対策がわかりやすく紹介され、生徒たちは配布されたワークシートを英語がわからない部分はメンバー同士で教え合い、一生懸命取り組みました。特別展示会では、“Designing Motherhood”というテーマで、妊娠、出産、そして産後の経験に関する権利や社会の考え方の変化に触れ、女性・母親としての視点から世界を考えるきっかけを得ることができました。




Seeing various works of art at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Discover Center made me think about the world’s problems. The University of Washington library was like the world of Harry Potter and was very beautiful! (高二 I.Y.)

I studied how to fold underwear compactly at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Discovery Center. It is sent to Turkey and Syria to help women and girls there. There were a lot of interesting buildings and sights at the University of Washington. The beautiful library was the most memorable place. The word “Frappuccino” was made by Starbucks. Chocolate Mint Frappuccino is very delicious, but it can’t be bought in Japan. I made okonomiyaki for my host family. At first, I didn’t succeed but the next time I succeeded. My host mother said it was delicious, especially the sauce. I was glad. (高一 M.K.)

I went to the University of Washington today. I was surprised by the size of the campus and the number of books in the library. After dinner, we played UNO with our host family. It was a very memorable day with a lot of laughter whether we won or lost. (高二 C.H.)