TJK Life


高校1年国際学級BLAST 第4日目|Dana Hall Schoolとボストン美術館を訪問しました

 午前中は姉妹校のDana Hall Schoolを訪問しました。午後はボストン美術館を見学しました。


We visited Dana Hall School and had a school tour. In the campus there were many trees and lawns. Also, we saw squash courts and a fencing room. I saw those for the first time, so it was interesting. After lunch, we had some activities to know each other and discussed the connection between global issues. Through the activities, I could deepen my understanding about global citizenship. To express my opinion was quite difficult, but I was able to explain it in my own words. (S.U.)

今日はDana Hall という学校に行きました。日本の学校とは違って、グラウンドや食堂など、何もかもがとても大きく感じました。クラスメイトと英語で環境問題について話しあったり、様々なゲームなどをしてさらにクラスメイトとの仲がさらに深まったと感じました。 (M.F.)

Today we visited the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. We each were divided into AGL group and each group went to their favourite place. Since our group liked Claude Monet and Ancient Greece, we headed for Arts of Europe. There were many oil paintings, but I was surprised to see things like a silver dish and china which were not paintings. It was also interesting that there is no specific route we should go like Japan. We were able to choose what kind of art we want to see and change route. Every single piece of work was beautifully made, so if I had a chance, I would like to visit there and stay there the whole day.(S.F.)

There were not only paintings but also pottery and jewelry. The museum was very big and there were many interesting things there. I like Monet’s paintings the best. The coloring was beautiful and something that I was moved by. (K.T.)
