TJK Life


国際学級中1 ~サンタクロースへのお手紙~


  • Greeting
  • About you
  • How have you been good?
  • What do you want?
  • What will you leave for Santa?



Dear Santa Claus,

Merry Christmas. My name is C. K.  I’m a Tokyo Jogakkan student. I live in Tokyo. I’m thirteen years old. I’m a member of dance club. I helped my mother. I took care of my dog. I want clothes. I will leave cookies and cake for you. I will leave some hot milk for your reindeer. Good bye!


Dear Santa Claus,

Merry Christmas!! I’m R.K. I live in Tokyo. I’m a Tokyo Jogakkan student. I’m a member of basketball club. I have been kind to my friends and I studied hard for my test. I want earphones for Christmas. I will leave some chocolate for you. Good work on spreading the presents. See you.


Hello, I’m R.N. and I live in Tokyo. I am in Tokyo Jogakkan school. I’m 13 years old and I just came back from Thailand. I’m also in the basketball club. This year, I helped my family and I tried hard when playing basketball with my new teammates. For Christmas present,  I hope you give me a present. I will leave a cake for you.

Merry Christmas, Santa.