TJK Life



国際学級の姉妹校である、Dana Hall School  から、6月に2名の短期留学生(A.F.さん、C.Z.さん)が来校し、本校生徒宅にホームステイをしながら、約2週間国際学級のクラスで過ごし、とても有意義な交流となりました。以下の写真は華道体験、書道、高二ディベート授業での様子です。


This was a wonderful experience.  I was able to understand the Japanese culture and I was able to understand the art of flower arranging.  I have never done this before, so overall, this was interesting by itself.  I learned about the resemblance of family and balance through this experience and it was fun. – A.F.

I am surprised that a seemingly simple flower arranging activity actually contains so much Japanese culture and beliefs. The lengths of the flowers and the ways they are distributed and bent are all based on their beliefs of life and their deep understanding of a family.  Flower-arranging is a very graceful and traditional activity in Japan. I had a lot of fun doing it and learned a lot from it. –C.Z.