TJK Life



本校の国際コースの高校2年次では、英語の授業の一環として校内模擬国連(In-school Model UN Program)の取り組みをクラス全員で行っています。国際コースにおける英語学習の集大成として、社会的な問題を英語で議論することで、より高度で実践的な英語運用能力を育成することを目指しています。高1から準備を重ねている校内模擬国連ですが、今年度は9月12日(土)に本番が行われました。例年、この時期は提携校のDana Hall School の卒業生が来校して指導にあたってくださいますが、今年度はコロナ禍の影響で直接お会いできなかったので、その代わりに温かいビデオメッセージをいただきました。今年度の議題は「再生可能エネルギー」で、高度な語彙を駆使してすべて英語で行うという難易度の高い活動ながら、終始活発な議論が交わされました。

F.S さん

A.Y さん
英語が得意ではない私にとって校内模擬国連は大きな挑戦であったと思います。それでも絶対に成果を残したいと考えていました。私たちの担当したナイジェリアの「再生可能エネルギーの利用を世界で促進するために必要なものを国同士で補い合えるようにする組織を作る」という決議案が採用され、また私たちのナイジェリアの声明文がBest Position Paper賞に選ばれたときにはとても嬉しかったです。模擬国連の活動を終えると、英語の長文読解に対する抵抗感が薄れていたことに自分の成長を感じました。

Y.K さん

Through Model United Nations (MUN), I felt the necessity for Japan to show leadership in international community. It was difficult to cooperate with other countries as there was no Japanese delegation who acts as a mediator between China and America. During MUN, we were expected to use not only our thinking abilities, but also to speak in English immediately, to be aggressive to speak voluntarily and to raise our presence. I watched English news like BBC news and SKY news every day to prepare for MUN and I was able to push forward in negotiations while considering the world situation. I thought it was a good opportunity to think of what we should do. 

R.K さん

Through Model United Nations, I learned how important team work is, to be confident, and to show leadership. I was chosen as one of “the best delegates” and that was because of my partner. She took a lot of notes for us and we guessed together. I wouldn’t have been able to be the best delegate without her.  Usually my problem is lack of confidence. Most of the time when I give presentations, I get very nervous. My presentations are not always great. However, in this MUN, I was very confident. I think that was because I did a lot of research and talked about my country a lot with my partner. That made me confident. In this MUN, I tried to deepen the discussion. I threw questions to other countries, asked for help, and tried to support developing countries. I spoke many times. When we made the resolution, I think I was taking actions as a leader. And in the end, I was able to be one of the three best delegates. This was my first time to have MUN and it became such an important experience for me.  

A.O さん

I learned many things throughout this MUN but I learned that even if you fail, trying to have fun is the most important thing. Although I have had experience in MUN, since I participated last year with other schools, not everything was going well at first. My partner and I had a hard time memorizing the opening speech because we had to rewrite our position paper at the same time.  A few days later, after the opening speeches, we received video messages from the previous chairs, who graduated from Dana Hall. In those messages almost everyone told us to have fun, so I tried to participate in a positive mood and kept trying to give motions or opinions. I knew I needed to speak up for my country so I didn’t care if my grammar was wrong. In the end, I had so much fun talking with people whom I don’t usually talk to in English, and I was glad that I never gave up during the caucus.

