TJK Life



タスマニア研修最終日のレポートです。最終日はMrs. Macquarie’s Bench、Sydney Harbor,、Taronga Zoo、Sydney University、Bondi Beach、The Gapへ行きました。動物園ではコアラやカンガルーといったオーストラリアを代表するような動物に生徒たちは大興奮でした!普段はなかなか味わうことのできないオセアニア文化に触れ、感性を磨き、充実した研修とすることができました。以下は生徒の感想になります。

I had never been to Tasmania so I was excited. It is rich in nature and the air is so clear I was surprised. Holidays I went to Bonorong Zoo with my host-family and I saw lots of animals. I fed the kangaroo. Also I saw Richmond Bridge. It is the oldest bridge in Tasmania. It was so beautiful. I had a good time.
We went to Fahan school, and I took Japanese class, science class, math class and English class. I did a skit in science class about blood circulation. It was interesting. In Japanese class TJK students did presentations about our school and Japanese culture. Fahan students talked about their daily schedule.  We taught Japanese to Fahan students and they taught us English so that was a very beneficial time. I appreciate the chance to spend time together with my friends.

(3F M.I.)