TJK Life



 3月末に洗足学園で開催された「ジャパンメトロポリタン模擬国連大会2023」において、本校の生徒がOutstanding Delegateを受賞しました。本生徒が参加した議場のテーマは、UNEPによる”Preventing Deforestation Caused by Human Activities”(森林保護)でした。スピーチだけでなく自由討議もほぼ全て英語で行われました。

Joining this JMMUN allowed me to make connections with many other students outside of my school and gave me a wonderful opportunity to think about world issues. I had a really nice time.
The theme this time was “Reducing Deforestation”. As this theme has been almost the same goal for most of the countries, we struggled in grouping to write resolution papers.
Even though we had some arguments, writing and being active in MUN gave me a lot of chances to talk about and defend my country.
Thank you to all the teachers who encouraged me to join the JMMUN. I hope there will be more participants next year.