TJK Life






 I played Juliet in the balcony scene. In the first practice, we read the script. We practiced putting our feelings into the lines. It was difficult because it was my first time acting. In this scene, Juliet is in love with Romeo, and she had to convey her love to Romeo. I asked my teacher and classmates about how I should act and move, and they gave me their advice. As I practiced, it came together. After that, I put gestures to make it more dramatic. I wanted to convey Juliet’s feelings to the audience, and make it easy for them to understand, so I practiced hard at my house. I did my best through trial and error, trying to make the movements more elegant and more like Juliet, and trying to make her look like a girl who is strongly in love with Romeo. When recording the lines, I spoke clearly and I exaggerated my actions. During practice in the auditorium, I used a microphone to give advice to everyone. Every time we practiced, we were improving and everyone was working together as one team. We practiced after school and in the morning, and it warmed my heart to see everyone in the class trying to develop their roles. During the final performance, everyone looked confident and each person was acting as if they were the main character. I felt a sense of accomplishment, but at the same time I felt a little sad because the practice was over. I think Romeo and Juliet helped us to grow and gave us fond memories. (K.K.)

 2学期から取り組んでいた、Romeo and Juliet の本番を無事に終えられたことを大変嬉しく思います。私たちのために、休みの日に学校に来てアドバイスをしてくださった先輩方、毎日練習でご指導くださった先生方、当日観に来てくださった保護者の皆様、先輩、後輩のみなさん、そして一緒に頑張ってきたクラスメイトに心から感謝致します。 
 私はRomeoの敵でJulietのいとこのTybaltとPrince を演じました。TybaltはRomeo のことが嫌いな怒りっぽい性格で、いつもイライラしています。役に入りきるのも、刺激的でワクワクしました(笑)。特に難しかったのは、戦闘シーンです。剣を使ってどのように戦うか、当日の朝まで試行錯誤しました。コメディー感からなかなか抜け出せず苦労しましたが、本番は上手くいき、練習の成果が発揮できたと感じました! Prince はあくまでも仲介役なので、Tybaltとの役柄の違いをどう演じるか苦心しましたが、自分なりに考えることが出来ました! 
 国際学級は6年間クラス替えがない分、生徒同士がお互いのことを理解しあい励ましあうことができます。このRomeo and Juliet を通して、今まで積み重ねてきたたくさんのものが生かされ、今回の成功に繋がったと感じています。残り3年間の学校生活がより充実し、素敵な時間になるよう、この経験を活かしてみんなで頑張っていきたいと思います。(Y.I.)


The English performance of “Romeo and Juliet” by the grade 9 International Class is a tradition that started 20 years ago. This year’s production was one of the best I have seen. The students really put feeling into their acting, and their voices showed true emotion as they imagined what was going through the minds of the characters they were portraying. It is one thing to learn about the characters in class – It is quite another to actually move around on a stage and imagine how they are interacting with one another in a scene.

By acting the story out, the students learned many intricate details and nuances about the story which they would have never realized by simply reading and discussing it. They also accomplished another major objective for performing this play: to further develop the already strong relationships they have with their classmates by working together.

The students had less than a month to memorize their lines and put the play together – a near impossible task. However, it is the sheer difficulty of the task that made this experience unforgettable and all the more rewarding when it was finished. The students were all smiles when all was said and done. And as their teacher, I was as proud (probably prouder!) as the parents who came to see the performance. Well done, everyone! Bravo!
