TJK Life


アメリカ文化研修 第3・4日目はアメリカ社会で活躍している女性の方々にお話しを伺いました

 3日目には、Gates Foundation Discovery Centerを見学した後、ワシントン州の河川地帯のクリーンアップ活動をサポートするお仕事に携わっている本校の卒業生の方がスタディセンターにお越しくださいました。アメリカで働く際のリアルな経験や、今後大切にしてほしいことについて、率直にお話してくださり、生徒たちは多くの学びを得ることができました。
 4日目には、Women’s Career Panelが開催され、シアトルで活躍する3名の社会人女性がご自身のキャリアについてお話ししてくださいました。参加した生徒たちは、事前に用意していた質問を積極的に投げかけ、貴重なアドバイスを受けることができました。これにより、キャリア形成について具体的なイメージを持つことができたようです。


What Japanese people need when they live in America is not only English skills but also mental skills. I also realized that it’s important to respect myself when I decide my path.
I realized there are many ways for women to work, and it is important to balance work and their personal lives. (高2 R.T.)
There are various kinds of discrimination between women and men. I need to be prepared to work or learn abroad. I should look at myself and think about the future.
Keep studying while thinking about what I want to do without feeling pressure. Empower needs support and help. I have a lot of help to come here. (高2 M.Y.)
I learned that there are places in the world where there are no restrooms in schools. I learned that we have a lot of handicaps when we live in the United States. (高1 H.S.)
I learned about the impact of the differences between women and men around the world. For example, people think women should do the housework and men should work outside the home etc. Just saying you want to live abroad isn’t enough to make living abroad. It is more important to have a strong mentality than English language skills. (高2 S.Y.)
During the panel discussion, we learned about their respective jobs from three women. And in GPI session, we created a mind map, and I was able to think of things and people related to feelings. (高1 K.M.)