TJK Life



 Bostonでの最終日は、グループを担当してくれた大学生 (AGL) と一日中ボストン観光を楽しみ、夕方にはお別れのセレモニーです。


Today was a long-awaited stroll in Boston. There were two AGL people in our group, so I was able to enjoy sightseeing. Today we went to Target, Trader Joes, Starbucks, TJ Maxx and WNDR museum. We got very excited everywhere we went but the thing that most left a particular impression on our group today was the WNDR museum. There were many exhibits that matched recent trends such as lights and AI. (S.U.)


We had a farewell ceremony today. Our AGLs gave us certificates and very nice comments at the end. I was very sad to say goodbye, so I cried involuntarily. My AGL was being so nice to me all the time,so I wanted to say “thank you” many times. I was glad to meet her because she was kind, pretty and cheerful︎. Our group presented her a message board and souvenirs from everyone. I was pleased she was happy with it.
I appreciated being able to meet nice AGLs and have a wonderful time. Thank you for this precious opportunity. I look forward to seeing them again! (H.H.)
Today, we spent our last time with AGL. And then we had a closing ceremony.
We received our own certificates from the AGL. The AGL told us very nice comments. I didn’t think that I would cry before the ceremony, but I was going to cry already when I was given a lovely comment. Also we gave some gifts to the AGL. We talked with our own AGL and we took some photos. I cried just I thinking that I have to say bye to the AGLs. Some AGLs prepared some gifts for us and that made me cry more. I appreciate my AGL very much and hope we can meet again someday. (Y.T.)