TJK Life


国際コース高1英語~Sophomores Inc. のプロダクト開発~

アメリカでは日本の高校1年生に相当するGrade 10を「Sophomores」と呼びます。本校の国際コース高1は、毎年2学期に英語の授業内で、“The Importance of Color in Business”でブランド力の重要性と”The Language of Advertising”で広告の効果等マーケティングについて学びます。そして、それを実践すべく、”Sophomores Inc.”という会社を立上げ、グループワークで主に環境にやさしい商品開発、広告キャンペーン、そしてファンディング等の持続可能な開発のための活動(ESD)を行います。
プロジェクト終了後は“Family Business”という授業の中で、グループワークにおける自身の役割と行動を振り返り、”What strengths do you have that help you when working in a group?”というエッセイで、自分の強みを認識するというプロセスを学習します。


We made “O29 Mask” for people in this corona season. O29 Mask can change temperature, oxygen, and flavor to be comfortable when we are wearing the mask. It is a little bit expensive but it can be washed many times so it is good for the environment.  Our poster and PowerPoint helped to make the product stick in everyone’s mind.


Our company name is “Clean Maker” and we made a machine named “Bath Magician” which cleans the bathroom automatically. It is easy to use; all you need to do is push a button, so we recommend this product to all generations but especially to the older generation. We used two types of advertising techniques, rhetorical question (“Are you still struggling with cleaning the bathroom?”) and a slogan (“For all people who hate cleaning”). Our team had many discussions in order to improve the product. To make my team’s presentation better, I thought about the product from many perspectives. Other group members gave many unique opinions. I think we could make a wonderful product and advertisement.