TJK Life


TJK × Poland ② ~online meeting~

本校からの参加者は中学2年生から高校2年生までの33名で、今回のテーマを「Show and Tell」と設定し、自分が大切にしている物、思いが詰まっている物、自分のキャラが詰まっている物を英語で紹介します。生徒達はその発表内容について、4月16日(金)と4月23日(金)、オンライン交流を行う前に学習講座があり、英語でのディスカッションの練習や質問の仕方を学びました。
当日は、Zoomのブレイクアウトルーム機能を使い、少人数に分かれてのグループディスカッションを2回にわたり行いました。最初は緊張気味でしたが、お互いの紹介が進めにつれて和やかとなり、楽しそうに交流していました。 ポーランドと日本のそれぞれの文化を学ぶとても良い機会となり、生徒達にとってはグローバルな知識がより広がり、貴重な交流の時間となりました。



I also joined the last exchange. However the last time, I fell silent, and I regretted that very much. Then I heard about this exchange, I decided to participate. This time, we practiced conversation. I wanted to have no regrets, so I tried hard. Finally, I was able to talk more than last time. Last exchange, it was hard to even keep talking, but this time I was able to enjoy the conversation. I am still nervous about talking in English, but I would like to take part in opportunities like this so that I can speak English in a fun and natural way.(中2 H.Mさん)

It was the first time for me to participate in the Poland exchange. So it was nerve wracking at first. However as time went on I started to feel confident and was able to communicate with the students from Nazareth School. It was a good opportunity to hear about the culture of Poland. Additionally, after we talked about the topics that were given to us, we talked about our personal lives and things that are popular around the world. By taking part in this exchange, I was able to gain more confidence in communicating in English.(中3 M.Wさん)

This was the second time I participated in an online exchange with Poland! The first time I participated I was too nervous to take part actively! But this time I think I was able to use the experience to my advantage. I didn’t have a lot to say, but I listened to everyone and took part in the discussions. It was especially interesting to learn how to say “hello” in Polish! I am happy to that I feel that I am growing little by little as I go along. I would like to participate again if I have the chance! (中3 R.Kさん)

It was the second time for me to talk with my Polish friends. This time, I was actually a little nervous again, but it was a lot of fun! We talked about Japanese and Polish rapid-fire language and we told taught them how to say “Thank you” in Japanese. Also we talked about Japanese game “Mario Brothers” too. There were still many things I couldn’t say in English this time, so if there is another opportunity I would like to study English more before then! (中3 R.Kさん)