TJK Life



夏休みにアメリカボストンで行われる高1の国際コースならではのアカデミックなBLAST研修(ボストンリーダーシップ研修)の代替案として、「2021年夏 BLAST特別企画 Global Competence Intensive Program」を開始しました。
「実践グローバルコミュニケーション研修」「Empowerment session」「US Online session」→そして夏休みに行われる「GCIセッション」と進めていきます。


We had a communication lesson for BLAST on April 17th and 24th with communication trainer Mr. Nishida. The lesson was divided into two groups and there were so many things to learn, even though it was a basic thing that we already knew. In this three hours lesson, we had learned four main things.
*how to make a “can do” ability         (「できる」:力の付け方)
*receiving ability(受信力)
*outgoing ability (発信力)
*presentation ability (プレゼンテーション能力)
 Each of them has made us realize how important the expression is and along with that, we learned that things like facial expressions, people’s voice, listening attitude and eye contact can make people feel comfortable. BLAST program is a place where we have to express our own feelings in English, so remember what we learned today and I want to utilize it for BLAST  from now on. It’s quite sad that we can’t go to Boston, but we look forward to it to become a great opportunity. (K. N)


 Through Mr. Nishida’s class, I realized  that eye contact and gestures can be important communication tools for those of us who have difficulty understanding the feelings of others due to wearing masks.
   I want to learn Psychology in the future. So it was a precious opportunity for me to learn about communication skills.
 Unfortunately, our BLAST program was postponed. Until the day I can go abroad again, I would like to improve my communication skills so that I can use them overseas as well. (A. E)