TJK Life


2021年夏 BLAST特別企画 Day3 ~Designing Thinking Principles~

高1国際コースで7月26日(月)~7月30日(金)の5日間で実施している「Global Competence Intensive Session」の3日目のレポートです。
USオンラインセッションでハーバード大学、コロンビア大学、スタンフォード大学等アメリカトップ大学のキャンパスツアーに続き、「Designing Thinking Principles」で「Spaghetti Tower Challenge」にチャレンジしました。

Today, we were able to interact with top overseas university students. I was able to ask a lot of questions to college students, so it was a really fun session. After that we took the “Spaghetti Tower Challenge”. We all came up with ideas on how to make a tall tower, and we were able to make a tall tower with pasta and marshmallows. It was quite difficult but our team had better results in the second and third times than in the first time.