TJK Life



姉妹校のFahan Schoolを訪れ、現地での学校生活やホームステイなどを通して交流を楽しんでいます。Fahan Schoolとは相互訪問を行っていますが、コロナ禍の2年間はオンライン交流のみとなっていました。今回は久しぶりに訪問することができ生徒達はとても喜んでいます。(写真は調理実習の様子。ANZACビスケットと焼きそばを一緒に作りました。)


 I am in Tasmania now! We came here on August 12 and it is August 16 today. I am staying with a very kind family. On the weekend, I saw and fed Tasmanian animals at Bonorong Zoo. My favorite is Tasmanian Devils! Their fangs were a little bit scary, but so cute! Also, we had a party with some friends at night. We laughed a lot and had a wonderful time. On weekdays, we are enjoying school life at Fahan School. At first, I was worried that I may not be able to make friends. However, the students and the teachers are so gentle, so we do not need to be anxious or frightened. I took Science, P.E., Art, and Japanese classes. The students are lively and classes are fun. We had a singing competition, which was amazing, too. I am sad because we have to leave Tasmania the day after tomorrow, but I will do my best until the last day!
