TJK Life


2022年夏BLAST特別企画 ~Designing Your Global Mindset (3日目)~


今日のテーマは、「Leadership」と「SDGs」で、グループリーダーを中心に真剣なディスカッションが展開されました。また「Gender Equality」では、限られた短い時間の中で、各グループが現状の問題点を洗い出して問題解決に向けた提案をまとめ上げ、そしてそれぞれのグループが全員の前でプレゼンテーションを行いました。

On the third day, we learned Leadership. We divided into six groups and we made a skit about good leaders and bad leaders. So, we learned “leader” and “leadership” are different. “Leader” is a person and “Leadership” is a skill. I thought we need to get Leadership because women should be advanced in the society. Also, we thought about SDGs for gender equality. I thought we should suggest to come home at a fixed time, to decrease prejudice, and to make it cheap to use housekeeping services to change people’s thinking.
I don’t speak English very well, but my group leader took my opinions seriously. I thought the important thing is “don’t be afraid to speak up.” I want to talk with foreigners more.