TJK Life



高一の国際コースでは、1学期後半は、教科書の「What Does it Mean to be Polite?」という単元で世界のマナーについて学び、3人グループで「世界のマナー」についてのプレゼンテーションを発表しました。方法もトピックも自由な形式で、多様多彩なプレゼンテーションの様子が見られました。Dog Manners (アジア・ヨーロッパ・北米の犬の飼い主のルール)から、Subway Manners (フランス・シンガポール・米国の地下鉄利用者のマナー)、Table Manners (インド・ドイツ・韓国の食事のしきたり)まで、パワーポイント、寸劇、クイズ・ゲームを交えながらそれぞれのグループごとに個性が見られました。以下は生徒の感想になります。

My group did a presentation about eating manners in France, Germany and Korea. I mentioned about Korea and why they don’t have a habit of holding up the plate.  Before doing this presentation I had no idea why it’s uncommon to lift up the plate, but after realizing the cultural differences, it made me want to go to Korea. In Korea, plates, forks, spoons and chopsticks are made of stainless steel. When they eat hot meals like soup, the plates get very hot (since they are stainless steel plates) and can burn your fingers. To avoid getting burned, people stopped lifting up the plates and now Koreans don’t have a habit of holding up the plate.(M.K.)

I gave a presentation about greeting manners around the world. I researched about India, Germany, and the United States’ greeting manners.  I learned India has a traditional greeting. I also learned Germany has different greetings between women and men. It’s very interesting because I didn’t know there were greetings like in Germany. I’m glad I gave a presentation with S. and Y. We had good cooperation and we concentrated when we made the script.  It was a difficult topic, but we did great.(R.K.)

My group had really good team work, so we could prepare for the presentation easily and I was excited during our team’s presentation. In my presentation, I could use a big gesture to say the quiz’s answer but I thought I had better talk in a loud voice. This time, I was helped by my team members so next time I want to do a good presentation by myself. But I was really satisfied with this presentation and I thought this is the best presentation I have done.(Y.T.)