TJK Life


中3国際学級 Romeo & Juliet

On January 13, the Grade 9 International Class held its annual performance of “Romeo and Juliet”. This has been a tradition since the International Class was first established 19 years ago. Due to the pandemic, we have been unable to perform the play live on a stage for the past three years. This year, everyone pre-recorded their lines so that we could perform the play safely without masks. The students did a wonderful job, and viewers would often forget that they were lip-synching! We did not have very much time to prepare, but they used their imagination very well and worked together to bring the play to life. Surely it inspired the Grade 7 and 8 classes who were also there to watch the performance. 



中学校に入学してからコロナ禍であまり行事を行うことができていなかったので、クラス全員で中学校生活で1番大きな思い出を作ることができて良かったです。セリフは全部英語だったので覚えるのも大変でしたが、ネイティブの先生が丁寧に発音を指導してくださってとても成長できたと思います。私たちの世代は先輩方の演技を見ることができなくて不安なこともあったけれどたくさんの先生方に褒めていただいてとても自信になりました。これからもクラス全員が成長できるように頑張りたいです。  (US)

私は英語が得意ではなく、演技をしたことがありませんでした。練習が本格的に始まるとどのように動けばいいのか分からず、棒立ちになってしまい悔しい思いをしました。しかし、友達や先生と動きを一緒に考え、納得した演技をすることができました。本番では緊張しましたが、それ以上に自分の努力の成果を見てもらえることが嬉しかったです。  (YM)

ロミオとジュリエットが無事に成功したことがなにより嬉しかったです。 演技の質を高めるのは至難の業でしたが、限られた時間でできることを精一杯やったのではないかと思います。全員が力を合わせて完成させた舞台は一生忘れません。 F組は3年間クラスが変わらない分、お互いを強く理解し合える関係まで成長しました。 集大成を見せることが出来て良かったです。   (RW)

I was one of directors and also an actor in Romeo & Juliet. My role was Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, in the fight scene and the father of Juliet, Lord Capulet when he was getting angry at her for not wanting to marry Paris. As Tybalt, it was hard to fight with the sword. In the scene when Lord Capulet was scolding Juliet, I worked hard to move as much as possible to show the audience that I was furious. We didn’t have enough time to prepare for the play, so the directors gathered around to make plans for the practice. The managers worked hard to prepare the props and made the programs. Most of all, we all practiced very hard to improve our acting. This play became one of my most important experiences in my school life.  (MT)

“Romeo and Juliet” was my first English play and I was able to learn a lot from working with my classmates. My role was Friar Laurence, who is the priest in the story. The hardest part for me was to remember all the lines because I had to play Friar Laurence in three different scenes. From his character, it was also challenging to act emotions such as angry parts and on the other hand, I had scenes where I had to calm everyone down. Everyone in my class worked extremely hard to make a perfect play, especially the directors and the managers. We had a very short time to practice, and it was also hard for us to find the right way to prepare for the play. I was able to learn a lot from this experience. Even though it was a really hard story to understand, I looked up some videos that show you some hints about acting. Me and my friends who were in the same scene gave each other some advice to improve the whole play. I think we had an amazing time, and after the play, I felt we were able to exceed our expectations. I appreciate the teachers and my classmates for working and supporting the play.    (SY)