TJK Life


中2国際学級 英詩のワークショップ

詩人のHolly Thompsonさんをお招きしての英詩の授業を行いました。先生の生い立ちや英詩の書き方について伺った後、実際にそれぞれ詩を書き、グループやクラスで共有しました。生徒達は苦労しながらも楽しそうに活動していました。以下生徒の感想です。

It turned out that she wrote a lot of poems. I could think of my poem.

It was very difficult to think of poetry. (M.M.)


I was very happy because it was my first time to learn poetry in English. Writing a poem in English was difficult, but I felt a great sense of accomplishment. I want to write a poem by writing down the events that happened at random time. (Y.T.)


I enjoyed learning how to write a poem. I understood  about it more than before! I really had a special time and I got more interested. Thank you for the special time. (K.K)


I didn’t know about an ode, so I was nervous. But Ms. Thompson was a very interesting woman, so I could enjoy making a poetry. I wrote about my notebook. It was very hard to express, but when I finished writing, I was very satisfied. (S.U.)