TJK Life


中1国際学級の活動②~学級目標、Reading Tree~


中1Fでは、クラス紋章の作成以外にも6年間のクラス目標および1年間のクラス目標を考えました。6年間のクラス目標は “One for All. All for One.” 「一人はみんなのために、みんなは1人のために」となりました。6年間共に支え合い、協力し合おうという意味が込められています。1年間の目標は”Keep Challenging Yourself”「 諦めずに挑戦しよう!」です。ぜひ、たくさんのことに挑戦し、前向きに学校生活を送ってほしいと思います。虹色はそれぞれの個性を表しています。

We will work towards these goals until the third year of high school. First, we talked in small groups, and then we shared opinions in class. We had many ideas, and we narrowed down our ideas. I think everyone is satisfied with this target. We will try hard to reach this goal. Also, we want to help each other and keep challenging ourselves!!


In International Course, there are many students with various backgrounds. There are students who have lived in America, the UK, China, and other countries. International Course doesn’t have member changes for six years. Because the members of International Course don’t change, our class decided to have a year goal and a goal for six years.

Our year goal is “Keep challenging yourself”. This goal was chosen because we think that challenging ourselves in complicated situations and never giving up is important.

Furthermore, we decided “One for all, all for one” as our six-year goal. We chose this because we think it’s important that one helps all of the classmates and all of the classmates help that person too.

【Reading Tree】

中1Fでは現在Schola sticの多読ウェブサイトを利用して、洋書を読むことを推進しています。それぞれの英語のグループで読んだページ数ごとに葉っぱを貼っていきました。2学期終わりにどのような木になるのか今から楽しみです。